
Category: Music

Command: /play
Description: Plays the song you provide.

Command: /stop
Stops the song.

Command: /skip
Description: Skips the song.

Command: /pause
Description: Pause the song.

Command: /resume
Description: Resume the song.

Command: /join
Description: Joins the voice channel.

Command: /disconnect
Description: Leaves the voice channel.

Command: /volume
Description: Set's the volume of the song.

Command: /queue
Description: Show's the queue.

Command: /seek
Description: Jumps to a specific position in the song.

Command: /loop
Description: Toggles loop.

Command: /autoplay
Description: Toggle autoplay.

Command: /get
Description: Grabs currently playing song or queue.

Command: /nowplaying
Description: Shows the song that is currently being played.

Feature: Filters

Command: /filter
Description: Set a filter to queue. Type /filter filter: clear to remove filters.

clear, bassboost, lightboost, heavyboost, treble, 8d, purebass, vaporwave, nightcore, phaser, tremolo, vibrato, reverse, sorrounding, pulsator, subboost, karoke, flanger, gate, haas, mcompand, earrape.

Note: Type clear to remove all filters.

Feature: Information

Command: /help
Description: Shows help command.

Command: /botinfo
Description: Shows bot's information.

Command: /ping
Description: Shows you the bot's ping.

Command: /invite
Gives bot's invite link.

Command: /support
Description: Gives bot's server link.